About Us
Experience in Abroad
Experience in Abroad Since 1994 I have been working in Abroad in an International Motors Group, Automobile Engineering Deportment, as an Expert, The Founder Name is M.NAGARAJAN. M.A.IME of The IIMAC- I International Modern Auto Care is constricted to demonstrate the Camber 90Degree and caster 100% & toe 100% to avoid wear and tear of your car tires, and to rescue your vehicles while driving.
The car alignment is actually an elaborate process that brings the car's suspension into its proper configuration, positioning and adjusting components so that wheels are aligned with one another so as to drive with safe on the road surface. The Wheel alignment is part of standard automobile maintenance that consists of adjusting the angles of the wheels so that they are set to the car maker's specification exactly.
The purpose of these adjustments the Camber 90Degree and caster 100% & toe 100% is to reduce tire wear, and to ensure that vehicle travel is straight and true. Alignment angles can also be altered beyond the maker's specifications to obtain a specific handling characteristic Wheel balancing, also known as tire balancing, is the process of equalizing the weight of the combined tire and wheel assembly so that it spins smoothly at high speed with safe. And the Founder M.NAGARAJAN. M.A.IME of The IIMAC- I International Modern Auto Care will guide and suggest you for the mystery of your cars' problems whatever it may be, as: -
Confidently finding the faults at Suspensions, in Wheels, in Engines, while the water is mixing with mobile oil in engine, and while the mobile oil is mixing with the water of the radiator, and then, why the temperature of the engine is higher than its level, and why the engine is taking more fuel for less kilo meters and so on,
Suggesting to mechanics, while re-fitting the rebuilt Engines, how to install the rings of the pistons in the Engines according to pistons and with reference to the connecting roads lest the mobile oil in the engines Should be decreased with white smoke,
And a new method of controlling (to prevent) the front wheel tires damaging (depredation & destruction) by reason of the I Beam (Front Axle) bend (as being without exact Angle (Straight) while we loaded more weights than its limits, and by using the power steering stopping (without moving) which are under the complaints of Front axle bend, depredation (destruction) of the tires very fast, finding out the reason of the I Beams bend and Damage, Tires depredation, (destruction) and then I have been demonstrating having removed the I beam bend(Front Axle bend) (To Prevent) the front axle tires damage and depredation (destruction) successfully.